About the Event

We invite US-based CCOs, or their direct reports to join us for our Civility Call (a collaborative effort by the Duke University Dialogue Project, Page and SHRM) on Monday, March 24th at 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. ET.

Our focus will be on Trust, and how the erosion of trust has impacted our society and our businesses, and what we can do to regain trust.  

 Our featured guests will be:

  • Kirsty Graham, US CEO of Edelman, a firm whose annual “Trust Barometer” has been widely read and admired for years.  Kirsty will share the findings of their 2025 Trust Barometer, the results of which were just recently revealed at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
  • Paul Gennaro, Chief Communications Officer, New York Life Insurance Co.
  • Michael Fraccaro, Chief People Officer, Mastercard
  • Sim Sitkin, Professor, Fuqua School of Business at Duke University – session moderator

Collectively we have much to learn from one another in terms of past experience and future plans. We hope you can join us!